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We are declaring here is that we do not use any copyrighted content on our website. If any comments text having any copyrighted information is provided by the users.

We are not responsible for any user comments. Moreover, we are interested to remove any comments from our website if they contain any copyrighted content upon request of the copyright holder.

The content can be removed if you or your company is the copyright holder of the shared content upon received of the accurate URLs for that particular content. You must have to provide the details of the content in objection.

By sending a mail-in hassolutions2014@gmail.com, you can request for the removal of the content in question, but the email must be similar to address@yourname.com or address@yourcompany.com format.

Upon checking the compliance with all these rules action will be taken. Removal of the copyright content might take 4-5 days, but if the request is not with the compliance no action will be taken.

Some image of any product might be used for promotional purpose only from any eCommerce website like amazoneBay, etc.

Some of the books on this site are collected from the internet which uploaded by various users, I just tried the simplest way to convey all the books to everyone.

Any link or book is not hosted on the site. If anyone claims about any content or book for copyright we will remove the link within 48 hours. By reading or downloading any content or books you must agree on the privacy and policy of the website.

Send a new book request and give your suggestion. For any kinds of problem, you can email us at hassolutions2014@gmail.com


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