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My Budgie Setup

A standard budgie set up is important for quality budgie breeding. As a rainbow Budgerigar breeder in Bangladesh, I am trying to ensure a better environment for my budgie in my budgie aviary setup.

In any budgie set up a big flying cage is important. In any Budgerigar setup, you need a number of big-size flying cages. In all cases, if you keep the male and female budgie in separate cage breeding results will be best.

If you have a budgies colony setup then no need to worry about a flying cage. There is always a big flying space in the budgie colony setup. In the case of a cage, the setup must be careful about flying the cage.

But for the first time in budgies, colony setup is not recommended due to having some difficulty in colony breeding. If possible avoid colony setup and move for cage setup and will make your journey hassle-free.


Breeding Cage Set Up for Budgie

Flying Cage Setup for Budgie

The bigger is the size of the flying cage will be the better the health of budgie will be. So as per your room space available, make a bigger cage. Along with a bigger cage provide the best quality balanced food for extra better results. 

If there is a large space available in your Aviary keep two flying cages side by side. Keeping flying cages side by side will give you better and quick breeding results. In the case of space, the problem keeps one cage over another. 

Breeding Cage Setup for Budgie

A breeding cage is a place where you keep one pair of adult birds for laying eggs and hatching eggs. Depending on your aviary space available you can keep a breeding cage-like multi-storied. The breeding cage needs to be set up above floor level by at least 6”. And the breeding place will be dry to prevent any kind of fungal attraction.

The environment around the breeding, the cage should be calm and no moving of people so that they get privacy. If the place is noisy with random human movement then they will feel uneasy and the breeding result will be bad.

So, try to make a better environment for the breeding place and provide them a proper and balanced diet for a good result. 

** See my Budgie Set Up Below **

What Is The Standard Size of a Budgie Breeding Cage?

Normally 18x18x18 inch cage is considered standard. However,  the most rainbow breeder in Bangladesh uses 16x20x16 inch cages for budgie breeding (Normal, not for English). There is another factor is the breeding box or nesting box.

In my country, most breeder uses a breeding box with breeding tray. I'm using the following breeding box made using an 8mm PVC board and breeding tray purchase from Mahmuduzzaman Romel, Bogura, Bangladesh. 


My Budgie Breeding Setup

Budgie Breeding Setup

As mentioned above I have an indoor cage set up for budgie. My breeding cages are 16x28x16/18 inch and multi-storied. There is a total of two breeding cages. Each Budgerigar breeding cage is four-storied.

This cage is made by one of the best cage manufacturers M.A. Hasan,14 number galvanized wire has been used to make these cages. Additional 6mm steel bar used for making the frame. 


My Adult Budgie Flying Cage

Realizing the necessity of a big flying cage, I made these 48x24x24-inch flying cages for my adult budgies. When the Budgerigar baby is almost three months, I keep them in these flying cages. Along with these birds, I also keep my running budgie pair here. These two cages for male and female budgies. 

Budgie Flying Cage Set Up

 My Baby Budgie Flying Cage

Usually, after hatching budgerigar baby l use commercial egg food like Versele Laga, Deli Nature, Wittemolen, Cede. Along with better food supplements, they need much space for flying. If they can fly properly then, their health condition will be slim.

Baby Flying Cage for Budgie

To ensure everything I have the same size (48x24x24-inch) flying cage for a rainbow baby. I also have two flying cages for my male and female budgie babies. One cage is set upon another. In this case, they get adequate space for flying and resulting in better health conditions. 

So, this is all about my budgies cage setup. I have tried my best to provide a better environment for my beloved budgies. If you have any questions about my budgie set up, please comment below or Contact Us. And thanks for visiting my website.

To Buy Quality Rainbow Check Rainbow Budgerigar on Sales

To Get the idea of Rainbow Budgerigar Price in Bangladesh Check Here.

You can more idea about Moyn's Aviary in my YouTube Channel

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